6 years ago I sat in the C suite with 2 littles under 2 and a new auto-immune diagnosis. Before that, I was marathon runner bedridden from burnout and fighting a debilitating virus, still trying to "hustle" like all my peers.

Hi, I’m Netty Walters

I was "healthy" by cultural standards, until I wasn't. When doctor after doctor after doctor couldn't help me, I claimed radical responsibility grasping for anything that might help...

Integrative nutrition, hot yoga and a life coach happened to be 3 things, through the mercy of Christ, that were my sources for self-healing. God had woven a dream into my soul when He created me, and I wasn’t paying any attention to it.

I course corrected to heal and raise my tiny saints, and I went back to school so I could understand the science behind these modalities of wellbeing and learn the skills to be able to bring them to those who need it most.

Since then, I've been helping clients achieve their wellness visions through 1:1 coaching with simple strategies for soulful self-care and group yoga training. I love volunteering at my kiddos school, reading to expand my mind and heart, and playing sand volleyball doubles with my husband. ⁠I even wrote 2 books (another life-long dream of mine). And, the time is NOW for me to pour into my community in bigger ways...

My dream for Rebel Studios is that it becomes a space where you can be who you were created to be: Whole, Worthy, Wild and Well.

This is a space for the chain breakers, unconventional souls and the
do-it-your-own-way warriors who believe wellness doesn't happen TO you,
it happens WITH you and WITHIN you...

This is a space for a modern, flexible approach to wellbeing that invites personal health over the current of culture and intuition over tradition.

This is a space for community, outreach, accountability, accessibility, healing and belonging where faith can meet fitness.

This is a space for YOU.


At Rebel Studios, our mission is to empower individuals to cultivate holistic wellness through the practice of yoga and personalized coaching.

We are committed to nurturing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth, guiding our community towards greater wellbeing and connection with God.

Our Approach


Our vision at Rebel Studios is to be a leading community-centered provider of holistic wellness experiences that transcend boundaries, inspiring individuals to embrace a balanced and purposeful life living soul-first.

With affordable and pay-what-you-can cost structures, we can offer inclusion, sustainability, connection and growth - strengthening our local community.


To provide a space for you to live boldly in your being: redefine wellness, challenge norms, break limiting beliefs, be evermore mindful, and inspire holistic transformation. A space for you to become the best, most true version of yourself.


  • Athletic styles of yoga based in modern sports science

  • Personal holistic health coaching,

  • Infrared therapy

  • Yoga wall

  • Hands-off neurofacial bodywork

  • Compression recovery

  • Community outreach programs

  • Retreats and special events

  • Room rental for private parties

Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Romans 12:2